ABC's Of Science

Author: Sarah Johnson

Genre: Children's Science Education

Published: 2020


"ABC's Of Science" by Sarah Johnson is an engaging educational book designed for children to explore various scientific concepts from A to Z. This book introduces basic scientific principles in a fun and easy-to-understand manner, encouraging curiosity and learning in young minds.

The Age of Innovation

Author: Michael Roberts

Genre: Technology, Innovation

Published: 2021


"The Age of Innovation: How Technology Shapes Our Future" by Michael Roberts explores the impact of technological advancements on our present and future. This book delves into the transformative power of technology, discussing its influence on society, economy, and the way we live, work, and interact.

Fabre Poet of Science

Author: Marie Curie

Genre: Scientific Biography

Published: 1920


"Fabre: Poet of Science" by Marie Curie is a celebrated biography of Jean-Henri Fabre, the eminent French naturalist. This book delves into Fabre's life, contributions to entomology, and his unique approach to observing and understanding the natural world, portraying him as a poetic figure in the realm of science.

The Decline of Science in England

Author: Charles Darwin

Genre: Science, History

Published: 1872


"The Decline of Science in England" by Charles Darwin examines the historical and societal factors contributing to the perceived decline in scientific innovation within England during the 19th century. Darwin discusses challenges faced by the scientific community and proposes insights into reviving scientific fervor.

The Crowd

Author: Gustave Le Bon

Genre: Psychology, Sociology

Published: 1895


"The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind" by Gustave Le Bon is a pioneering work in psychology and sociology. It explores the behavior of crowds and their collective psychology, investigating how individuals behave differently within a group setting, leading to distinct crowd behaviors and phenomena.